As the exhibition programme progresses, we will upload a variety of resources that allow you to explore further the themes of the exhibition. Check back soon for updates.
Critical Conversations – panel discussions about the topics of sustainability, ethical fieldwork, and behavioural change
The Curiosity Conversation – podcasts featuring guests such as artist Sophie Gerrard and staff members from the School of Geography and Sustainable Development, University of St Andrews
Readings – a selection on the themes of the exhibition
Blogs – from the Museums team and community partners
Critical Conversations: Can peat use be sustainable?
When: Tuesday 14 February. 5:30pm-6:15pm.
Where: Online. Check back for link.
Who: Students and staff
Our panelists will engage in a discussion around the tensions between protecting the environment and cultural identity, based upon traditional uses of peat in Scotland, the importance of peat to whisky and its links to cultural identity, and uses by peatland inhabitants in Peru that damage the environment.
Critical Conversations: Those Who Live by the Land
When: Tuesday 14 March, 5:30pm-6:15pm.
Where: Online. Check back for link.
Who: Students and staff
This conversation will focus on exploring how researchers interact and influence those who live on site as well as the ethics of fieldwork.
Critical Conversations: Can Museums Influence Behavioural Change?
When: Tuesday 11 April, 5:30pm-6:15pm.
Where: Online. Check back for link.
Who: Students and staff
This discussion will be about the role museums can play in influencing behavioural change and some of the challenges related to this mission.
The Curiosity
The Curiosity Conversation: Dr Katy Roucoux
When: Thursday 26 January
Where: Anchor, Spotify and other podcasting platforms
Who: Adults
In this episode, Dr Katy Roucoux will speak with Eilidh and Matt about Peatlands, their importance to our planet and to cultures and how research at St Andrews is supporting their preservation.
The Curiosity Conversation: Sophie Gerrard
When: Thursday 23 February
Where: Anchor, Spotify and other podcasting platforms
Who: Adults
In this episode, Sophie Gerrard will speak with Eilidh and Matt about Peatlands, and the Arts and science in conservation.
The Curiosity Conversation: Christopher Schultz
When: Thursday 30 March
Where:Anchor, Spotify and other podcasting platforms
Who: Adults
The Curiosity Conversation speaks with a different expert every month to explore the world through the unexpected, ground-breaking or contested aspects of the stories museums tell. In this episode, Christopher Schultz will speak with Eilidh and Matt about myths, legends and their importance to culture.
The Curiosity Conversation: Euridice Honorio Coronado
When: Thursday 27 April
Where: Anchor, Spotify and other podcasting platforms
Who: Adults
In this episode, Euridice Honorio Coronado will speak with Eilidh and Matt about making sustainable choices and having an impact, especially around peatland areas.
Bain, Clifton. The Peatlands of Britain and Ireland. Dingwall: Sandstone Press Ltd, 2021. Available at the Wardlaw Museum shop.
Crawford, Robin. Into the Peatlands: A Journey through the Moorland Year. Edinburgh: Birlinn General, 2018. Available at the Wardlaw Museum shop.
Fabiano, Emanuele, Graeme Burnley & Samuel Nuribe. ArahuataInuaelü nenakaaürüte karitiin nereretaaüre. Ninichu kuruuaje nenakaaürü Urarinaaürü nereretaau / The ancestors told me. Urarina myths and stories from the lower Chambira. Lima: CAAAP/IIAP/University of St. Andrews, 2022.
Grossman, Daniel. Peru’s Peatlands Could Greatly Accelerate Global Warming. February 5, 2020. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/perus-peatlands-could-greatly-accelerate-global-warming/
Murray, Donald S. The Dark Stuff: Stories from the Peatlands. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2018. Available at the Wardlaw Museum shop.
Re-peat. “We are Re-Peat”. 2021. https://www.re-peat.earth/
Roucoux, Katherine H. et al. “Threats to intact tropical peatlands and opportunities for their conservation.” Conservation Biology : the journal of the Society for Conservation Biology 31.6 (2017): 1283-1292.
Willis, Jeanne. The Bog Baby. London: Penguin Random House Children’s UK, 2008. Available at the Wardlaw Museum shop.
Check back here for blogs written by the Museums team and other community partners on the themes of peatlands, their protection, and our contributions.