Come along to one of the exciting events that will accompany For Peatlands’ Sake.
The Curiosity Conversation: Dr Katy Roucoux
When: Thursday 26 January
Where: Anchor, Spotify and other podcasting platforms
Who: Adults
The Curiosity Conversation speaks with a different expert every month to explore the world through the unexpected, ground-breaking or contested aspects of the stories museums tell. In this episode, Dr Katy Roucoux will speak with Eilidh and Matt about Peatlands, their importance to our planet and to cultures and how research at St Andrews is supporting their preservation.
Fiesta at the Museum – Student Late
When: Friday 27 January, 8pm-10pm.
Where: Wardlaw Museum
Who: Students
Cost: £6 Early Bird, £8 Standard, £10 on the door. Book here.
Get ready to party with a purpose at the Wardlaw Museum. Join us for a Peruvian peatland themed night to remember, with live music, silent disco, food and drink, salsa dancing and more. In collaboration with the Hispanic Society.
Wee Wardlaws – Plants and Flowers
When: Friday 3 February, 10am–11am.
Where: Wardlaw Museum
Who: 0-5 year olds
Cost: Free. No need to book, just turn up.
Help your little one explore the world around them through museum objects, stories, songs, crafts and things to do and spot. This event is for children 0 to 5 years and whoever looks after them.
Holiday Workshops – Bog in a bottle
When: Thursday 16 February. Drop in 2pm-4pm.
Where: Wardlaw Museum
Who: Families, Children
Want to make your own mini peatland bog? Join us to make a bog in a bottle and discover the boggy truth about peat!
Critical Conversations: Can peat use be sustainable?
When: Monday 20 February. 5:30pm-6:15pm.
Where: Online. Join here.
Who: Students and staff
Whose voices are missing from museums? Which stories are not told? Which uncomfortable histories remain hidden? And how can museums move forward? From empire and colonialism to climate, identity and more, Critical Conversations bring together voices from a variety of perspectives to consider the critical issues. This month, our panelists will engage in a discussion around the tensions between protecting the environment and cultural identity, based upon traditional uses of peat in Scotland, the importance of peat to whisky and its links to cultural identity, and uses by peatland inhabitants in Peru that damage the environment.
An Exploration of Peat and its Importance with Robin Crawford
When: Friday 24 February, 2pm-3:30pm.
Where: Wardlaw Museum
Who: Adults, Staff and Students.
Cost: £5, redeemable against a purchase of his book ‘Into the Peatlands: a journey through the moorland year’ at the Wardlaw Museum shop. Book here.
Robin Crawford is the author of “Into the Peatlands”, a publication about the Scottish peatlands, the wildlife they support, and its importance to local communities. In this event, join Robin to explore the nature of peatlands and their importance to the environment as described in his book. This event will be followed by a book signing.
The Curiosity Conversation: Sophie Gerrard
When: Tuesday 28 February
Where: Anchor, Spotify and other podcasting platforms
Who: Adults
The Curiosity Conversation speaks with a different expert every month to explore the world through the unexpected, ground-breaking or contested aspects of the stories museums tell. In this episode, Sophie Gerrard will speak with Eilidh and Matt about Peatlands, and the Arts and science in conservation.
Wee Wardlaws – Mud, Mud, Glorious Mud
When: Friday 3 March, 10am–11am.
Where: Wardlaw Museum
Who: 0-5 year olds
Cost: Free. No need to book, just turn up.
Help your little one explore the world around them through museum objects, stories, songs, crafts and things to do and spot. This event is for children 0 to 5 years and whoever looks after them.
Creative Writing Workshop with Dr Mandy Haggith
When: Friday 10 March, 2pm-3:30pm.
Where: Wardlaw Museum
Who: Adults, Staff and Students.
Cost: £5, redeemable against a purchase the Wardlaw Museum shop. Book here.
Join Dr Mandy Haggith for a creative writing workshop exploring the cultural importance of peat. From ancient burials to carnivorous plants, from heating fuel to garden improver, Scotland’s peat bogs are fascinating and important in our literature. Come along to enjoy some squidgy, squelchy wordplay and get inspired to write your own bog poetry. No experience necessary!
Mandy Haggith lives in Assynt and teaches Literature and Creative Writing at the University of the Highlands and Islands. Her books include four poetry collections, a tree poetry anthology, a non-fiction book about paper and five novels. She has been poet in residence at the Royal Botanical Gardens Edinburgh and at Inverewe Garden.
Critical Conversations: Those Who Live by the Land
When: Tuesday 14 March, 5:30pm-6:15pm.
Where: Online. Join here.
Who: Students and staff
Whose voices are missing from museums? Which stories are not told? Which uncomfortable histories remain hidden? And how can museums move forward? From empire and colonialism to climate, identity and more, Critical Conversations bring together voices from a variety of perspectives to consider the critical issues. This conversation will focus on exploring how researchers interact and influence those who live on site as well as the ethics of fieldwork.
I want to be a… Bog Scientist
When: Saturday 18 March, 10am-12pm.
Where: Wardlaw Museum
Who: Families, Children
Cost: Free
Have you got what it takes to discover the secrets of peatlands, and how they can help us save the planet? Join us to become a Bog Scientist for the day, and time-travel through peatlands back 40,000 years.
Sekai Machache’s Profound Divine Sky
When: Wednesday 29 March, 6pm.
Where: The Byre Theatre
Who: All
Cost: Pay What You Can £5.00 / £3.00 / £0.00 with all proceeds going to RSPB Flow Country Partners Appeal.
More information and tickets here.
Join us at the Byre Theatre for a screening of the short film Profound Divine Sky (2021). The film was shot in the Flow Country of the Scottish Highlands, the site of a major ecological conservation project to revive peatlands ecosystems and reduce carbon emissions. Sekai Machache, a Zimbabwean-Scottish visual artist and curator based in Glasgow, explores the ways in which Black bodies exist in rural landscapes, engaging with such themes as Scottish landscape, African metaphysics and cosmology, ritual practice, Celtic song, ritual performance, Gaidhlig language, and Black Scottish Identity.
The Curiosity Conversation: Dr Christopher Schultz
When: Thursday 30 March
Where: Anchor, Spotify and other podcasting platforms
Who: Adults
The Curiosity Conversation speaks with a different expert every month to explore the world through the unexpected, ground-breaking or contested aspects of the stories museums tell. In this episode, Dr Christopher Schultz will speak with Eilidh and Matt about myths, legends and their importance to culture.
Whisky Tasting
When: Friday 31 March, 6pm-7pm.
Where: Wardlaw Museum
Who: Adults
Cost: Free. Book here.
A whisky tasting with Peter Wood of St Andrews Wine Company that explores the role of peat in the whisky industry and a variety of alternative whiskies that do not cut peat but give a hint of smoke, enabling those who like smoky whiskies to make more sustainable options. This event is for over 18’s only. Proof of age will be required on the night.
Holiday Workshops – Bug Hotels
When: Tuesday 4 April. (Under 7: 2-2.45pm) and (7+: 3-4pm).
Where: Wardlaw Museum
Who: Families, Children
Cost: Free. Book here for under 7s and here for 7+.
Even bugs deserve a holiday! Join us to investigate the bugs you might find in a peatland and make a bug hotel of your own.
Holiday Workshops – Bug Hotels
When: Thursday 6 April. Drop in 2pm-4pm.
Where: Wardlaw Museum
Who: Families, Children
Cost: Free.
Even bugs deserve a holiday! Join us to investigate the bugs you might find in a peatland and make a bug hotel of your own. No need to book, drop in any time.
Wee Wardlaws – Mini Explorers
When: Friday 7 April, 10am–11am or 11am-12pm.
Where: Wardlaw Museum
Who: 0-5 year olds
Cost: Free. No need to book, just turn up.
Help your little one explore the world around them through museum objects, stories, songs, crafts and things to do and spot. This event is for children 0 to 5 years and whoever looks after them.
Holiday Workshops – Birds of the Bog
When: Tuesday 11 April. (Under 7: 2-2.45pm) and (7+: 3-4pm).
Where: Wardlaw Museum
Who: Families, Children
Cost: Free. Book here for under 7s and here for 7+.
Lots of birds call peatlands home. Meet birds from Scotland and Peru and make a bird kite to fly among them.
Critical Conversations: Can Museums Influence Behavioural Change?
When: Tuesday 11 April, 5:30pm-6:15pm.
Where: Online. Join here.
Who: Students and staff
Whose voices are missing from museums? Which stories are not told? Which uncomfortable histories remain hidden? And how can museums move forward? From empire and colonialism to climate, identity and more, Critical Conversations bring together voices from a variety of perspectives to consider the critical issues. This discussion will be about the role museums can play in influencing behavioural change and some of the challenges related to this mission.
Holiday Workshops – Birds of the Bog
When: Thursday 13 April. Drop in 2pm-4pm.
Where: Wardlaw Museum
Who: Families, Children
Cost: Free. Booking opens soon.
Lots of birds call peatlands home. Meet birds from Scotland and Peru and make a bird kite to fly among them. No need to book, drop in any time.
I want to be a… Conservationist
When: Sunday 16 April, 2pm-4pm.
Where: Wardlaw Museum
Who: Families, Children
Cost: Free
Peat has been around for thousands of years and can tell us all about the past. Join us to discover how conservationists are making sure peatlands are around for thousands more years and see how you can help.
Glorious Mud: Guided Peatbog visit
When: Saturday 22 April, 10am-1pm.
Where: Meet at the Wardlaw Museum
Who: Adults, Staff, Students, All.
Cost: Free. Book here.
Join us and Dr Katy Roucoux for a guided tour of Bankhead Moss peatbog, located eight miles from St Andrews. Transport provided, just meet at the Wardlaw Museum. Please note that the terrain on this visit will be rough, and won’t be suitable for wheelchairs or pushchairs. Suitable for ages 12+
The Curiosity Conversation: Dr Euridice Honorio Coronado
When: Thursday 27 April
Where: Anchor, Spotify and other podcasting platforms
Who: Adults
The Curiosity Conversation speaks with a different expert every month to explore the world through the unexpected, ground-breaking or contested aspects of the stories museums tell. In this episode, Dr Euridice Honorio Coronado will speak with Eilidh and Matt about making sustainable choices and having an impact, especially around peatland areas.
Family Day: Amazonian Antics
When: Monday 1 May, time TBC.
Where: Wardlaw Museum
Who: Families, Children
Cost: Free
Have fun at this family day themed around Peru: pet an alpaca, explore the museum, and complete all of the activities to win a prize.
Wee Wardlaws – Scientists
When: Friday 5 May, 10am–11am.
Where: Wardlaw Museum
Who: 0-5 year olds
Cost: Free. No need to book, just turn up.
Help your little one explore the world around them through museum objects, stories, songs, crafts and things to do and spot. This event is for children 0 to 5 years and whoever looks after them.